3.3.4 Reliability. The container shall be constructed in a manner which shall provide a
minimum useful life of 20 uses under normal usage prior to needing repair.
3.3.5 Maintainability. The container shall be constructed in a manner which shall allow
3.3.6 Environmental conditions. Temperature. The container shall be constructed in a manner which shall allow it
to withstand a -55 degrees Celsius (C) to +70C (-67 degrees Fahrenheit (F) to +158F)
temperature range without cracking, deformation or other signs of damage (see Humidity. The container shall be constructed in a manner which will allow it to
withstand a 5% to 100% humidity range without cracking, swelling, deformation or other signs
of damage (see Fungus resistance. The container shall resist fungal growth. Rust. The container and all hardware shall resist rust.
3.3.7 Workmanship standards. Containers shall be manufactured in a manner which
shall ensure uniform quality and freedom from defects which will adversely affect their life and
3.3.8 Identification and marking. Containers shall be legibly marked by either casting,
die stamping, embossing, or stenciling. The markings shall include the manufacturer s
identification, container type and size. Stencil ink for marking shall conform to A-A-208
(see 4.6.6). Special marking. Center of balance. The location of the center of balance of the loaded container
shall be marked on the bottom edge of both sides with a vertical line 25 mm (1 in.) wide and a
minimum of 25 mm (1 in.) high located at the center of balance and clearly marked "center of
balance". Matching assemblies. When cover assemblies can be assembled correctly in
one direction only, both the cover assembly and base shall be appropriately marked so they can
be matched for assembly. Type I containers.
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